Vital Support

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Vital support is designed to balance, invigorate and restore the vital energies of the body.
The herbs in Vital support are prized throughout the world for improving digestion, restoring energy, enhancing blood circulation, and harmonizing the body. 
Rehmania Root 18.20%
Dong Quai Root 18.20
Chinese White Peony Root 12.10%
Bai-Zhu Atractylodes Rhizome 12.10%
Poria 12.10%
Codonopsis Root 12.10%,
Sichuan Lovage Root 9.10%
Licorice Root 6.10%

Suggested Usage: Suggested Usage: 6 tiny tea pills, twice per day

Keep away from children. Seek advice from a health professional if you are suffering from any illness, or if you are pregnant before using this product.