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Boost is based on herbs that are designed for balancing and strengthening the immune system response. A balance immune system is affective at fighting common cold and flu but also at not over responding to create allergic responses.

One of the chief herbs in this formula, “Astragalus”, is known for it’s strengthening and tonifying effects on the immune system. While also therapeutic for the lungs, Astragalus is also beneficial for overall immunity. This powerful herb also has the ability to enhance one's ability to fight off colds and "boost" energy.

The deputy herb in this formula, Atractylodis, is powerful and prized for its many unique functions. Atractylodis not only helps to strengthen the body's immune function, it acts as a strong blood builder and blood mover, and also has powerful diuretic properties assisting in the body's overall circulation, elimintion, and repair.

The deputy herb known as Siler has strong antipyretic and antibiotic effects.

1. Are you suffering from recurring allergies or seasonal allergies?
2. Do you feel congested with itching of the nose, eyes, and ears?
3. Do you have emotional swings before your period?
4. Do you have fatigue and a post nasal drip?
5. Do you feel drowsy and have a sore throat?
Astragalus Root 60.00%
Bai-zhu Atractylodes Rhizome 20.00%
Siler 20.00%

Suggested Usage: 6 tiny tea pills, twice per day
Keep away from children. Seek advice from a health professional if you are suffering from any illness, or if you are pregnant before using this product.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat or cure any disease

Laboratory Tested: 

To ensure the highest quality and purity , each herb batch is made at our GMP facility and tested by U.S laboratories.