Cardio Support

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Cardio Support is designed to support healthy circulation.

The chief herb in this formula "Chinese Salvia Root", is prized for its ability to activate blood circulation and and stop pain associated with blockages. Chinese salvia has an antii-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling associated with site of pain and inflammation. Chinese Salvia nourishes blood and has a positive and calming effect on the nervous system.

Another influential herb included in this formula which assists salvia is "Chinese Amomum Fruit". This herb has a strong action of balancing its counterpart by regulating and improving digestion, and helping to expel retained toxic fluid.

The last assisting herb in this formula which strongly assists its two other counterparts is "Sandlewood". Sandlewood has exemplary properties of also helping to regulate and improve digestion, sooth epigastric pain, and regulate gastrointestinal circulation.

Chinese Salvia Root 72.00%
Chinese Amomum Fruit 14.00%
Sandalwood 14.00% 
Dan Shen 72%
Sha Ren 14%
Tan Xiang 14%

Warning: Prohibited during pregnancy

Suggested Usage: 6 tiny tea pills, twice per day.

Keep away from children. Seek advice from a health professional if you are suffering from any illness, or if you are pregnant before using this product.

Laboratory Tested: To ensure the highest quality and purity , each herb batch is made at our GMP facility and tested by U.S laboratories.