Natural Fiber

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Fiber is exclusively a plant nutrient as plants need fiber for structural support Animals and humans use muscle and bone for structural support. Because we consume a significant amount of animal products, it is crucial to balance the diet by incorporating enough fiber. Psyllium seed husks support detoxification and help cleanse mucus along the intestinal walls. When consuming a large animal food based diet, such as meat and dairy our body produces more mucus. Psyllium seed husks also create bulk in the colon, and pull toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. When fiber is consumed it helps bind toxins and reduce the absorption of fats and some basic minerals. Psyllium husks also reduce absorption of the certain oils in the diet. Incorporating fiber supplementation into one's diet is a great way to ensure you are getting the right amount of fiber to not only maintain your body's harmony, but to also leech out any toxins that might build up which have not been properly eliminated. Ohgreens natural fiber supplement is manufactured with no gluten, no lactose, no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no animal derivatives, no sugar or starch, no gelatin, and no yeast. The recommended dosage of natural fiber is (adults), take one teaspoon daily with liquid or as directed by your healthcare practitioner, followed by 8 oz. water.